Saturday, March 9, 2013

Schick Hydro Silk Razor

I just tried the Schick Hydro Silk Razor.  It was pretty awesome!  I never had such silky smooth legs before!  As a BzzAgent I got to try this product for free.  After using this razor I have decided that I will never use a garden variety razor again!  My shaving experience was so enjoyable and rewarding that I will continue to use, and in the future, purchase the Schick Hydro Silk Razor!  I highly suggest this razor to anyone that is looking for a nice, comfortable shaving experience!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Relay for Life

I am going to be a part of the University of Minnesota Relay for Life event this year.  I am a team captain and we have 13 members so far!  We are going to try to raise as much money as we can!  I think we have about 2 1/2 weeks until the event.  If you can, please donate to our team!  Hopefully we will have warm weather as this is the first year it is being held outside because so many people are participating! 

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

America Deserves a Raise

Americans who are working hard deserve a raise!  Go to this site and nominate someone who is most deserving to get a $40,000.  If your nominee wins then you both get a raise!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Zach's Word Unscrambler

Don't you just hate when you can't solve that "word jumble" puzzle in the daily newspaper?
This is a program this guy wrote that will descramble a scrambled word that you enter. It has a very large bank of recognizable words (but obviously not all conceivable words). At current count, there are nearly 130,000 words. It also will accept a wild card character... If you want one of the letters to be a wild card (could be any letter), enter a * (star key). Example) olel* gives you cello, hello, Jello, and losel.

Pretty cool.  Helps with those really tough words that are SO frustrating!!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010


This is a blog that I have been following for some time.  The facilitator, Goob, posts information about free samples, free codes to Redbox and Swagbucks, and other deals that may not be readily available.  Very cool blog.  I recommend it!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Like freebies?  I found a pretty cool site with totally free samples.  Freebiewatch has many features.  It lists free items about every week that can be acquired on the Internet.  It also has a freebie tracker to keep track of what you have requested and when it was requested so you know when to be expecting the free stuff.  Something different from other freebie sites is that this one lets you acquire points from voting on freebies.  After so many points you can redeem them for free prizes.